Monday, January 31, 2011

Email received from friend

I received an email from a friend of mine (pictue below) regarding what he witnessed. So im here to spread the news and hope you guys could be more vigilant after reading his email. 

SENT: FRI 20 Oct 2009 12:03PM
TO: You
Last nite was parking car at Blk 10 level 3 multi-storey carpark, and this is what I saw! I cannot believe it, so terrible of people to do such things to another’s car, no respect what so ever. See the pictures I attached? All these cars are sprayed with paint and scratched, my god! Hope you can forward this email to all our neighbours to warn them that vandals are around and making trouble for us!! &*#^$% one!
Hope everyone can be on the lookout for each other and inform suspicious characters in our neighbourhoods. Oh yah, you know that policeman Pete right? Maybe you can check with him on any tips for us when parking our cars?
PS: Check out the crime-prevention posters I snapped last week, you think they work meh?
Jon from Blk 3, Vic Street

Vandalized car

So what do i do now?

First is to always be quick to react when you see anyone breaking the law. Call the authority and make you you're safety is the priority concern and leave the issue to the authorities to handle. Keep updating the authorities of what is going on and keep at a distance.

For car parks, perhaps the authorities could install security cameras in and around the car park so that we can catch these criminals in action and to send out words that car parks are safe and secure. Or if anyone witnessed the crime, they could call up the police and report what they saw.

For wanted criminals or dangerous suspects, always remember to keep yourself out of harm's way before making the call to the police as you might end up in trouble and escalating the situation even more. Update the police of how he looks like and what he is wearing. Police could always keep the public on the lookout by placing posters shown below to further increase awareness,

Emergency calls
Singapore police force - 999
Singapore civil defense force - 995

Police - 1800 2550000
Internal security department counter terrorism centre - 1800 2626473

Terrorist are on the prowl

Public should not take lightly about the safety level here in Singapore. Yes the safety has always been excellent but we must not be too complacent, things may occur without warning. Point is? Terrorist. They are a major treat to our society and can cause huge amount of damage and loss if things turn out in their favor.

Always report suspicious activities to the authorities so we can prevent terrible things from happening. Here is something for the public to check out,

Always keep your eyes peeled for suspicious activities and report it as fast as possible. Remember, being apathetic leads to loss of lives.

Do look out for "NO CRIME MEANS NO CRIME" banners

Everyone should have heard about the rise of crimes throughout our neighborhood, thus banners have been placed in public to increase awareness and to make sure everyone keep their belonging close by and to lock up home and cars before leaving it unattended.

Banners are placed almost everywhere in public places, banners are shown below

Banners along streets

 Banners at bus stops

Banners placed in MRT stations

Public should be on the look out suspicious activities especially in the public car park as there has been a rise in vandalism reported. Public should call the police as soon as possible upon seeing such inappropriate behavior as to bring the numbers down to a minimum. Remember not to leave valuables in cars or unattended before leaving.

The crime is on the rise !

Recently there has been a considerable high number of crime rates. There has been sightings of vandalism in the neighbourhood. A fiend of mine has sent me an email regarding car vandalism, pictures are shown in below. It's hard to see such actions been doing right in front of our doorstep.

If no one wants to cooperate and work together, all actions to prevent such crimes would be futile. Thus i implore you guys to be ever vigilant and ready to act in order to bring justice and peace back in our committee. Hi-5 anyone?